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International Federation for Structural Concrete (FIB)
(created from...)
Comité Euro-Internacional du Béton (CEB) and
Fédération Internationale de la Précontrainte (FIP)
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A SISTRUT com autorização do FIB, está disponibilizando uma lista dos boletins editados pelo FIB, com os respectivos preços e meios de pagamento. Ao serem selecionados um ou mais boletins para aquisição, deveremos calcular o valor total a ser pago e preenche-lo no respectivo campo. As informações preenchidas serão enviadas para o eMail do FIB.
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Number FIB Bulletins - Title Price - SF$

ISBN 1-874266-48-4 1999 Practical design of structural concrete Recommendation (113 pages, ISBN 1-874266-48-4) 100.00
ISBN 1-874266-39-5 1999 Design of thin-walled units Recommendation (52 pages, ISBN 1-874266-39-5) 80.00
ISBN 1-874266-41-7 1999 Design of post-tensioned slabs and foundations Recommendation (44 pages, ISBN 1-874266-41-7) 80.00
ISBN 1-874266-38-7 1998 Composite floor structures Guide to good practice (58 pages, ISBN 1-874266-38-7) 80.00
1998 Congress 1998 Congress proceedings. The 13th International Congress of the FIP. Amsterdam, May 1998, 2 volumes, available from Betonvereniging, P.O. Box 411, NL-2800 AK Gouda, Phone (+31.182) 539 233, Fax (+31.182) 537 610 ?.00
ISBN 1-871956-30-7 1998 Awards for Outstanding Structures 1998 (60 pages, ISBN 1-871956-30-7) 30.00
Notes 1998 1998 FIP Notes 1998/1 and 1998/2 per issue 20.00
ISBN 1-874266-42-5 1998 Qualification and approval of prestressing contractors and system suppliers Recommendation (18 pages, ISBN 1-874266-42-5) 50.00
ISBN 1-874266-40-9 1998 Quality management systems for post-tensioned concrete structures according to ISO 9001 Guide to good practice (27 pages, ISBN 1-874266-40-9) 50.00
Notes 1997 1997 FIP Notes 1997/1 to 1997/4 per issue 20.00
ISBN 1-874266-26-3 1996 Corrosion protection of prestressing steels Recommendation (50 pages, ISBN 1-874266-26-3) 80.00
ISBN 1-874266-25-2 1996 Deflected tensile test Recommendation (19 pages, ISBN 1-874266-25-2) 50.00
ISBN 1-874266-22-0 1996 Design and construction of prestressed ground anchorages Recommendation (29 pages, ISBN 1-874266-22-0) 50.00
ISBN 1-874266-30-1 1996 Durability of concrete structures in the North Sea State of the art report (53 pages, ISBN 1-874266-30-1) 80.00
ISBN 1-874266-24-7 1996 Materials and systems for external prestressing State of the art report (15 pages, ISBN 1-874266-24-7) 30.00
ISBN 1-874266-17-4 1995 Tendons Technical report (23 pages, ISBN 1-874266-17-4) 50.00

Number CEB Bulletins - Title Price - SF$

243 Strategies for Testing and Assessment of Concrete Structures affected by Reinforcement Corrosion (1998; ISBN 2-88394-040-1; 184 pages) 100
242 Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Structures (1998; ISBN 2-88394-039-8; 332 pages) 160
241 Quality Management - (printed revised hardbound edition of Bulletin 234, Telford, London, 1998; ISBN 0-7277-2640-4; 192 pages) 165
240 Seismic Design - Design Concepts - (printed revised hardbound edition of Bulletin 236, Telford, London, 1998; ISBN 0-7277-2641-2; 184 pages) 165
239 Non-linear Analysis - Discussion Papers from the Working Party in Comm. 1 Safety Evaluation and Monitoring - Discussion Papers from Task Group 1.4 (1997; ISBN 2-88394-038-X; 190 pages) 90
238 New Approach to Durability Design - An example for carbonation induced corrosion (1997; ISBN 2-88394-037-1; 152 pages) 80
237 Concrete Tension and Size Effects - Utilisation of concrete tension in structural concrete design and relevance of size effect - Contributions from CEB Task Group 2.7 (1997; ISBN 2-88394-036-3; 258 pages) 110
236 Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Controlled Inelastic Response - Recent advances in design concepts and codes (1997; ISBN 2-88394-035-5; 212 pages - printed revised hardbound edition see Bull. 240) 60
235 Serviceability Models - Behaviour and Modelling in Serviceability Limit States including repeated and sustained loads - Progress Report (1997; ISBN 2-88394-034-7; 280 pages) 110
234 Quality Management - Guidelines for the Implementation of the ISO Standards of the 9000 Series in the Construction Industry (1997, ISBN 2-88394-033-9; 238 pages - printed revised hardbound edition see Bull. 241) 60
233 Design of Fastenings in Concrete - Design Guide - Parts 1 to 3 (printed revised hardbound edition of Bulletin 226 part 1, Telford, London, 1997; ISBN 0-7277-2558-0; 83 pages) 90
232 Fastenings for Seismic Retrofitting - State-of-the-art Report (printed revised hardbound edition of Bulletin 226 part 2, Telford, London, 1996; ISBN 0-7277-2556-4; 38 pages) 60
231 RC Frames under Earthquake Loading - (printed revised hardbound edition of Bulletin 220, Telford, London, 1996; ISBN 0-7277-2085-6; 303 pages) 180
230 RC Elements under Cyclic Loading - State-of-the-art report - (printed revised hardbound edition of Bulletin 210, Telford, London, 1996; ISBN 0-7277-2086-4; 196 pages) 120
229 New Developments in Non-linear Analysis Methods. Basic Papers from the Working Party (1995, ISBN 2-88394-032-0, 94 pages) 70.00
228 High Performance Concrete. Recommended Extensions to the Model Code 90 - Research Needs 60.00
227 Non-linear Analysis of Beams and Frames - Discussion of a parametric research (1995, ISBN 2-88394-030-4, 218 pages) 90.00
226 Design of Fastenings in Concrete - Draft CEB Guide Part 1 to 3 - Fastenings for Seismic Retrofitting - State-of-the-Art Report on Design and Application (1995; ISBN 2-88394-029-0; 230 pg) 100.00
225 A Guide to the Comité Euro-International du Béton - Mission - Working Programmes - Membership Directory (in preparation, to be published end of year) ?.00
224 Model Uncertainties - Reports from CEB Task Group 1.2 - Concrete Barriers for Environmental Protection - Report from CEB Task Group 1.3 (1995; ISBN 2-88394-027-4; 117 pg) 70.00
223 Ultimate Limit State Design Models - State-of-the-Art Report (1995; ISBN 2-88394-026-6; 243 pg) 90.00
222 Application of High Performance Concrete - Report of the join CEB-FIP Working Group (1994; ISBN 2-88394-025-8; 65 pg) 60.00
221 Advanced Studies on Structural Concrete - Contributions to the 1993 Lisbon workshop in tribute of J. Ferry Borges (1994; ISBN 2-88394-024-X; 276 pg) 80.00
220 Behavior and Analysis of reinforced Concrete Structures under Alternate Actions Inducing Inelastic Response (1994; ISBN 2-88394-023-1; 380 pg) 130.00
219 Safety and Performance Concepts - Contributions to the workshop-sessions 'Model uncertainties', 'New concepts' and 'Full scale testing', organized by Tg's of Commission 1 (1993; ISBN 2-88394-022-3; 250 pg) 90.00
218 Ductility - Reinforcement - progress Report (1993; ISBN 2-88394-021-5; 237 pg) 90.00
217 Selected Justification Notes (1993; ISBN 2-88394-020-7; 240 pg) 90.00
216 Fastenings to Concrete and Masonry Structures - State-of-the-Art (1994; ISBN 0-7277-1937-8; 249 pg) NOTE: to be ordered directly from Thomas Telford Services Ltd; The Book Sales Department; 1 Heron Quay, GB-London E14 4JD £65.00/£72,00
215 Structural Effects of Time-Dependent Behaviour of Concrete (1993; ISBN 2-88394-019-3; 307 pg) 130.00
213/214 CEB-FIP Model Code 90 (Final Printed version by Th. Telford, London) (1993; ISBN 0-7277-1696-4; 460 pg) 220.00
212 Contributions to the Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures (1992; ISBN 2-88394-018-5; 96 pg) 70.00
211 Protection Systems for Reinforcement - State-of-the-Art Report (1992; ISSN 0378-9489 and ISBN 2-88394-016-9; 93 pg) 70.00
210 Behavior and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Alternate Actions Inducing Inelastic Response - Vol 1: General Models (1991; ISBN 2-88394-015-0; 312 pg) 130.00
208 Fire Design of Concrete Structures in accordance with CEB-FIP Model Code 90 (Final Draft) (1991; ISBN 2-88394-013-4; 204 pg) 100.00
206/207 Fastenings to Reinforced Concrete and masonry Structures - State-of-the-Art Report - Part I and Part II (1991 - ISBN 2-88394-011-8 and -012-6; two volumes - 562 pg) 100.00
202 Reliability of Concrete Structures - Final Report of Permanent Commission I (1991; ISBN 2-88394-007-X; 172 pg) 80.00
200 A Guide to the Comité Euro-International du Béton - Scope, Present Activities and Future Prospects (1992) 50.00
198 CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 - First Draft, Addendum (1990; ISBN 2-88394-004-5; 328 pg) 70.00
197 High Strength Concrete - Join FIP/CEB State-of-the-Art Report (1990; 61 pg) NOTE: to be ordered directly from: The Institution of Structural Engineers, 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London SW1X 8BH tel: ()(71) 2354294 80.00
194 Modelling of Structural Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete in Computer Programs (available as photocopy) (1990; ISBN 2 -88394-001-0; 124 pg) 70.00
192 Diagnosis and Assessment of Concrete Structures - State-of-the-Art Report (1989; 130 pg) 70.00
191 General Principles on Reliability for Structures - A commentary on ISO 2394 approved by the Plenum of the JCSS (1988; 62 pg) 50.00
190a/190b CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 - First Predraft (1988) (Two Volumes) 120.00
189 CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 - Supplementary Documents for the First Predraft (1988) 60.00
188 Fatigue of Concrete Structures - State-of-the-Art Report (June 1988; 312 pg) 110.00
187 Concrete Structures under Impact and Impulsive Loading - Synthesis Report (1984; 184pg) 80.00
186 Contributions of Technology and Quality Control of Reinforcement: Quality System for Concrete Reinforcement - Systhesis Report - Bond of Reinforcing Bars with Small Diameters determined by the Pull-out-Test-Progress Report - Recommendations for Welded Splices in Reinforcing Bars (1988) 70.00
185 Special Sessions Treviso: "Plain and Slighty Reinforced Concrete Structures" - "Fatigue" (1987) 70.00
184 Quality Assurance for Building - Synthesis Report (1988) 70.00
183 CEB Design Guide Durable Concrete Structures, Printed Edition (Th. Telford Ltd) (1992) 110.00
182 Durable Concrete Structures - CEB Design Guide, Second Edition (1989) 110.00
181 Anchorage Zones of Prestressed Concrete Members - State-of-the-Art Report (1987) 50.00
180 Shear in Prestressed Concrete Members - State-of-the-Art Report (1987) 65.00
178/179 Fundamental Developments in Design Models - Contributions to a joint meeting organized by Commission II (Structural Analysis) and Commission IV (Members Design) - (1986) 80.00
177 Summary and Analysis of Observations concerning the Revision of the CEB-FIP Model Code 1978 with Discussion Documents on New or Revised Clauses (Part C - 1987) 65.00
176 Summary and Analysis of Observations concerning the Revision of the CEB-FIP Model Code 1978 with Discussion Documents on New or Revised Clauses (Part B - 1987) 65.00
175 Summary and Analysis of Observations concerning the Revision of the CEB-FIP Model Code 1978 with discussion Documents on New or Revised Clauses (Part A - 1987) 65.00
174 Model Code for Fire Design of Concrete Structures - (First Draft 1986) 80.00
172/173 CEB-FIP Model Code Revision Process - preliminary Collation of Received Observations compiled by the Model Code Revision group for Discussion by the CEB-Advisory Commitee (1986) 80.00
171 Special Sessions Rotterdam: "New Concepts in Detailing" - "Quality Control" A Deterministic Calibration Method for the Selection of Partial Safety Factors (1985) 60.00
170 Basic Notes on Model Uncertainties - State-of-the-Art Report - Liquid and Gas Tightness of Concrete Structures - Progress Report (1985) 60.00
169 Draft Guide for the design of Precast Wall Connections (1985) 60.00
168 Punching Shear in Reinforced Concrete - State-of-the-Art report (1985) 90.00
167 Thermal Effects in Concrete Structures - Synthesis Report (1985) 60.00
166 Draft CEB Guide to Durable Concrete Structures (1985) 100.00
165 CEB Model Code for Seismic Design of Concrete Structures (1985) 80.00
164 Industrialization of reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Structures - Synthesis Report (1985) 60.00
163(E,F) Comportement en Service, Entretien et Réparations - L'apport de la Commission - IX - Some Relevant Stages of International Activity on Behaviour in Service, Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Bridges - Lessons from Observation of Existing Bridges - Diagnostic et Processus de Décision (1983) 80.00
160bis Model Code for Seismic Design of Concrete Structures - Vol 2: Trial Calculations (1983) 80.00
160 Model Code for Seismic Design of Concrete Structures - Vol 1: Final Draft (1983) 70.00
159 Application of the Finite Element-Method to Two-Dimensional Reinforced Concrete Structures - Simplified Methods of Calculating Short Terms Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Slabs (1983) 80.00
158E CEB Design Manual Cracking and Deformations (1984) 70.00
157 Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Concrete Structures (1983) 70.00
156 Concrete under Multiaxial States os Stress - Constitutive Equations for Practical Design (1983) 80.00
155 Buckling and Instability - Progress Report (1983) 70.00
152 Durability of Concrete Structures - CEB-RILEM International Workshop - Final Report (1983) 90.00
149 Seismic Design of Concrete Structures - Second Draft of an Appendix to the CEB-FIP Model Code - Basic Concepts for seismic Codes (1982) 70.00
147 Conceptional Preparation of Future Codes - Progress Report (1982) 70.00
146 Shear, torsion and Punching - Progress Report (1982) 70.00
144 CEB-FIP Design Manual Application of the CEB-FIP Model Code 1978 for Concrete Structures (1984) 90.00
141 CEB-FIP Manual on Bending and Compression - Design of Sections under Axial Action Effects at the Ultimate Limit State (1982) 70.00
139 Compléments au Code Modèle CEB-FIP 1978 (Version finale 1981) (F) 70.00
132 Structural Concrete under Seismic Actions. Vol 2 and 3: Technical Papers AICAP - CEB Symposium (1979) 90.00
131 Structural Concrete under Seismic Actions. Vol 1: State of the Art Reports AICAP - CEP Symposium (1979) 80.00
129 Contribution to the Conference on Trial and Comparison Calculations based on the CEB-FIP Model Code for Concrete Structures (1978). 70.00
128 Manuel Sécurité des Structures (Deuxième édition, révisée et complémentée). Deuxième partie (F) (1978). 90.00
127(F) Manuel Sécurité des Structures (Deuxième édition, révisée et complémentée). Concepts généraux, actions, combinaisons et sollicitations agissantes, résistantes, états-limites et situations, règles générales d'application - Premièr partie (1978). 90.00
124/125F Système International de Réglementation Technique Unifiée des Structures. Volume 1:Règles unifiées communes aus differents types d'ouvrages et de materiaus. Volume 2:Code Modele CEB-FIP pour les Structures en Beton (1978). 100.00
124/125E International System of United Standard Codes of Prattice for Structures. Volume 1:Common unified rules for different types of construction and material. Volume 2:CEB-FIP Model code for Concrete Structures (1978). 100.00

Number FIP Reports - Title Price - SF$

In 1984 FIP had published a state-of-art-report ‘Prefabricated thin-walled concrete units’ (ISBN 0-7277-0213-0, Thomas Telford, still available). It became apparent in the following that design recommendations for thin-walled units, and especially for those made of GRC or other fibre-reinforced cement were lacking. Therefore, the FIP Commission on Prefabrication formed a working-party now delivering this report which differs significantly from existing codes and recommendations in two respects:
[1] the designer will find information about the relevant material properties of various types of discontinuous fibre-reinforced materials available on the market.
[2] besides the strength and stiffness, strain of materials is also addressed as an important design criterion.
Whereas omissions in design with regard to restrained movements may be tolerated by metal or properly reinforced concrete elements, this may become crucial for thin-walled units manufactured with discontinuous fibre-reinforced material such as GRC, which may even become brittle with time. Discussed in length and approved by the FIP Commission on Prefabrication and the FIP Council, it is hoped that these recommendations will contribute to the correct and successful application of thin-walled units as architectural facade cladding elements, especially those made of fibre-reinforced cement.
FIP Recommendation Format DIN A 4 (210x294 mm)
50 pages, 40 illustrations ISBN 1-874266-39-5 (May 1998)
In 1980 FIP had published ‘Recommendations for the design of flat slabs in post-tensioned concrete’ (out of print already for many years). Prepared by a Working Group of FIP Commission 3 ‘Practical Design’, these new recommendations now represent an update of the previously published. Considering new codes and especially the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990, they address post-tensioned flat slabs and foundation rafts using either bonded or unbonded cables. The document gives information on this subject as a whole but particu-lar attention is given to the structural analysis and prestressing effects, to the ultimate limit state of punching shear and to the serviceability limit state of verification for deflection and crack control. Detailing and con-struction recommendations are also presented. Two examples, one of a flat slab and one of a foundation raft, illustrate the design of these structures and the application of the present recommendations.
Approved by the former FIP Commission 3 ‘Practical Design’ and the FIP Council, it is hoped that these recommendations will facilitate the correct design of post-tensioned slabs and foundations.
FIP Recommendation Format DIN A 4 (210x294 mm)
44 pages, 43 illustrations ISBN 1-874266-41-7 (May 1998)

  Number of items chosen:     TOTAL:  Swiss Francs

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