Discussion Groups on InterNET are a supported area in a server that is managed by who created it,
consenting that many interested in the topics created, 'talking' simultaneously and trade information.
There are some rules that have to be followed to join these groups of debate.
Read more about it in how to join in a Group or Forum of Debate.
the SISTRUT developed some tools to get easy for our users join in a discussion group.
Each discussion group has a basic text explaining about why this group was created.
When someone send a message about this topic, it will be included in another document
that contain all messages received about this group. All these messages will available
to be read through our tools. You will find too a special form to be filled when you
are interested in send your message.
You may type the text that will be sent to the group in a Notepad editor and save it in
a .txt file. When you fill up your message to the group, copy (edit+copy) this text to the
ClipBoard on editor and insert it (edit+paste) in your form at HomePage. SISTRUT® Software e Tecnologia
All rights reserved to Marcelo de Paula Picarelli
main eMail mailing@sistrut.com.br